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Author: Tanya Do

I'm a software engineer at Mercer Engineering Research Center. In my spare time, I work on my Masters in Software Systems. Outside of that, I explore all that downtown Macon, GA has to offer. :)

Favorites from Stack Overflow

What is bootstrapping? “Bootstrapping” comes from the term “pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps.” That much you can get from Wikipedia. In computing, a bootstrap loader is the first piece of code that runs when a machine starts, and is responsible for loading the rest of the operating system.”   What is REST? REST is not a specific web service but a design concept (architecture) for managing state information. First read Ryan Tomayko’s post How I explained REST to my wife; it’s a great starting point. Then read Fielding’s actual dissertation. It’s not that advanced, nor is it long…


First day at Microsoft!! (What?!) So incredibly excited to work at my dream job! And so thankful for those who supported and believed in me. My family, mentors, and professors – thank you

Come see my talk!

I’m going to speaking at this year’s Atlanta Code Camp conference. And I’ll be talking about Web API and Postman for the beginner. Check it out 🙂

Why hasn’t functional programming taken over yet?

Stack Overflow: Why hasn’t functional programming taken over yet? This is a good discussion on how functional programming won’t be *THE* future of programming, despite the paradigm having very good features (i.e. concurrency, and no side effects). Those very features of functional programming (FP) that make it appealing, are the same features that make it difficult to adopt FP wholesale. And that is in addition to the usual constraints of budget, client interest, and lack of programmers with a niche skill set. However, languages like C# has functional-like capabilities, and its likely that the popular programming languages and programmer habits…

How much of a wiggle is a wiggle

“This world is a great wiggle-effect. The clouds are wiggling. The waters are wiggling. The clouds are wiggling, bouncing. People— but people are always trying to straighten things out. You see, we live in a rectangular box, all the time; everything is straightened out. Wherever you look around in nature you find things often straightened out. They’re always trying to put things in boxes. Those boxes are classified. Words are made from some boxes. But the real world is wiggly. Now when you have a wiggle like a cloud, how much wiggle is a wiggle? Well, you have to draw…

Changing My Mind About Comments

Very early on in my career, I really got into Uncle Bob’s Clean Code video series. And from there I started scouring the web for every blog article or reading material about clean code. Clean code just made sense. It was about organization. And from back in college, I knew of several people who were very smart. But wrote completely unreadable code. Like when they came and asked me to look over their code because they were stuck on something, I would literally just ask them a bunch of questions about their code and problem until they figured out their…

On Choosing Quantity Over Quality

It’s no secret that I post infrequently. Some of the time it’s due to lack of blog topics, other times it because I’m lazy. But most of the time, it’s because I’m stressing out over if it’s a good enough topic to write about, and then what the perfect structure for the post should be, and then if I have enough examples to backup my point,and then if I have a good enough mix of compound and simple sentences, and then if a sentence could be worded be be even better, and then if the post was funny enough, and then…

Look Ma, I’m on Google!

If you happen to google a specific query, my blog post is the first link!!! And so is the gif I made (in MS Paint, lolol). I am inordinately excited about this. (The blog post itself.)

5 Tax-Deductible Expenses You Absolutely Need To Learn About

If we’ve learned anything from the Taylor/Kimye feud, it’s this — Save. Your. Receipts. (Okay that was lame, but hear me out.) Tax season is a ways away, but keeping up with your receipts now will save you a lot of time when it’s time to fill out those 1040’s. Obviously most of us won’t want to hang on to every single receipt we get (nor should we). So, it’s a good idea to develop a sense of which ones are actually important enough to file away, whether physically or electronically, to reduce the amount of taxes you’re paying on your income.…

Book: Scrum – A Pocket Guide

What’s the book?  Scrum – A Pocket Guide by Gunther Verheyen (I know I just reviewed a Scrum book, but I recently took the test (and passed!). This will be it for a while :)) How did I “read” this book? Physical book. Why did I choose to read it? / What made me want to read it?  I read it a while ago. Took a (long) break. Just picked it back up again after taking a the scrum practice test, and missing some of the answers. 🙁 What did I like about this book? This books is very comprehensive and thorough. It does a good…